Updates from Tarbut Yisraelit: IsraelGo Info! and Revelation: Secret Recipes

Our creative and ebullient Tarbut Yisraeli tzevet (Israeli Culture staff) continues on their camp-wide Israel programs with their latest original creation: IsraelGo! Info! Every day there are new questions posted about every aspect of Israel: geography, history, famous people, army, politics, and more.  The chanichim (campers) can read the background information on posters that are found around Café Ramah (the home base of Tarbut Yisraelit), and then write the answers and their tzrif (bunk) number, and deposit in the Official IsraelGo Info! Answer Box.   The tzrif with the most correct answers will be announced and honored on Friday.  Go Chanichim!

And drumroll…it’s your turn to test your Hebrew and make Pitot, Shakshuka, Chocolate cookies, and Rugelach from scratch, these newly revealed recipes in Hebrew only.  Your Hebrew proficiency test outcome will be determined by…the tastiness (or lack thereof)! Our chanichim are meeting this fun and (usually) delicious Hebrew challenge on a daily basis as they rotate through the various activities at Café Ramah, including Bishul (cooking).