Voc Ed Hops into Yom Roo!

By Abbey Frank, Voc Ed Advisor

Yom Roo is a big part of our camp culture—tzad bet (B-Side) chanichim (campers) spend an hour each day all summer preparing for the day, tad aleph (A-side) chanichim get into the spirit by watching the games at camp and eagerly anticipating their turn to compete, and tzevet re-lives their days as campers through coaching and leading Bond-A-Roo pep rallies the night before the big competition.


This summer, we wanted to find a way for Voc-Ed participants to share in the excitement. For the past two weeks, the Voc-Ed bakery was very busy making 400 kangaroo cookies (the Palmer mascot). We made 8 batches of dough, rolled it out, baked them and put them in individual packages to distribute to all tzad bet chanichim as they boarded the buses and headed out to Ramah Berkshires.


One of the goals at Voc-Ed, and the Tikvah program in general, is to find as many ways as possible to integrate our campers/participants into the rest of camp; this cookie project is just one of the many ways we have met this goal this summer. Voc-Ed loved being a part of Yom Roo and we are sure the chanichim enjoyed the cookies!


Voc Ed Bake

Voc Ed 6

Voc Ed 5

Voc Ed 4

Voc Ed 3



Categories: Tikvah, Voc-Ed