What a great couple of days in Ilanot!

Dear Parents,
We have been so busy here at camp! We had a restful, fun and exciting first Shabbat together at camp. Despite the rain on friday night, we were able to have a beautiful friday night service with the rest of the edot on Tzad Aleph, filled with singing, dancing and a lot of ruach (spirit). On Saturday there was plenty of time to swim, play sports, read and relax! In the afternoon, we learned about the 3 ending blessings of Havdallah, the prayer to end shabbat. Campers did activities three different activities to learn about the candle, the spices and the grape juice that are used.

Sunday, we were back to an every day schedule at camp, energized and ready for a great week! Sunday nights peulat erev (evening activity), was very successful. During the day, each tzrif (bunk) prepared a dance to a hebrew song, which they preformed in front of a pannel of judges from around camp. Each bunk camp in costume, with their own original choreography. Their preformances were great!

We cant wait for our first Yom Meyuchad tomorrow!
Shira Rosenbaum, Rosh Ilanot
Abby Kerbel, S'gan Ilanot

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