When I say Yom, You Say Foam! Yom…FOAM.


Friday’s awesome Tzad 
Aleph activity was by far one of my favorite days of the summer.

While we have been planning YOM FOAM for a long time now,
our campers and Tzevet were only informed about it during lunch on Friday.
  Let me just say, they were SO
EXCITED! When Josh announced that it was Yom Foam the campers and the
counselors were overly thrilled to hear the news.
  After running back to the bunks and getting in their bathing
suits, our Tzad Aleph edot (Ilanot, Solelim, Shoafim) enjoyed playing in the
foam. All of tzad Aleph had such an awesome pre-shabbat afternoon. There are
many pictures on the website, but here is a sneak peak!




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