Construction Projects Begin at CRNE!

Just a few weeks ago, we began site work on both the Bet Am Gadol and K'far Nivonim projects.  We are committed to opening the Bet Am Gadol for kayitz (summer) 2012.  This facility will house the entire camp community for Friday night services, theater productions and other special events.  It will be a state-of-the-art gymnasium and theater, and it will also have a great workout room.  This facility will enhance community, program and sheer fun.


Future Site of Bet Am Gadol

We have begun the site work on the

K'far Nivonim project as well, in the hopes that we will be able to green-light the entire project for this summer.  Doing this site work along with the site work for the Bet Am Gadol significantly reduces construction costs. We will let you know in the coming weeks whether we will be able to completing this project.

Here are some additional Pictures: IMG_0949


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