Facility Rental FAQs
Where is Camp Ramah in New England located?
We’re located in Palmer MA, off Exit 8 on the MA Turnpike. We are approximately 1.25 hours from Boston and 45 minutes from West Hartford CT.
What size rental groups can we accommodate?
Depending on the time of year we can accommodate groups of 25 to 150
What is the rental season?
We host rental groups at camp from early September to mid-June each year. We are not able to provide rental accommodations during the summer camp season.
Is the camp Kosher?
Camp Ramah New England is strictly kosher, under supervision of a mashgiach, and follows the guidelines of the Jewish Theological Seminary
Are there medical facilities located near the camp?
Baystate Wing Memorial Hospital is located in Palmer, about 10 minutes from camp.
Is the camp available to tour prior to booking a rental?
Tours can be arranged prior to arranging a rental of the facility , accommodations and an opportunity to review menu choices