Standards of Conduct
In addition to a staff member’s defined responsibilities, each member of the tzevet is responsible for the safety and well-being of every hanich, the maintenance of the physical plant and the success of all educational and recreational programs of the camp.
Each member of our tzevet has an obligation to observe and follow Camp Ramah New England’s policies and to maintain proper standards of appropriate and professional conduct at all times.
Conduct which adversely affects the interests or safety of other staff members, campers or Camp Ramah New England will be addressed with disciplinary measures. Disciplinary action may include a verbal warning, written warning, suspension with or without pay, and/or discharge. The appropriate disciplinary action imposed will be determined by Camp Ramah New England. We do not guarantee that one form of action will necessarily precede another.
Among other things, the following may result in disciplinary action, up to and including discharge:
- Violation of Camp Ramah New England’s policies or safety rules
- Insubordination
- Possession, use or sale of alcohol, marijuana, or controlled substances on work premises or during working hours, while engaged in Camp Ramah activities or in Camp Ramah vehicles
- Unauthorized possession, use or sale of weapons, firearms or explosives on work premises
- Theft or dishonesty
- Gambling of any kind on Camp Ramah property
- Harassment (including, but not limited to, physical, sexual, verbal or otherwise)
- Indecent or offensive language or conduct
- Disrespect toward fellow staff members, visitors or other members of the public
- Threatening or striking a camper, supervisor or fellow employee
- Performing outside work or use of Camp Ramah property, equipment or facilities in connection with outside work while on Camp Ramah time
- Failure to follow job instructions
- Poor attendance or poor performance
- Failure to arrive promptly at work (or at an activity period you are responsible for covering)
- Falsification of documents, including but not limited to, job applications, resume, time cards, expense reports or other employment or production documents, whenever such conduct is discovered
- Damage to Camp Ramah property or to the property of another employee due to carelessness or negligence
- Other fraudulent or dishonest conduct
These examples are not all-inclusive. We emphasize that discharge decisions will be based on an assessment of all relevant factors.
Nothing in this policy is designed to modify our employment-at-will policy.
(This National Ramah policy has been developed in consultation with Sacred Spaces ( Some material has been adapted, with permission, from Conservative Synagogue Adath Israel of Riverdale’s (CSAIR) “Safeguarding Our Children” Policy.)
The highest priority of Camp Ramah is to provide a safe environment for campers and staff. Ramah staff members must take special care to use sound judgment and to avoid even the appearance of improper conduct. Activities, stories, and language that may make others feel uncomfortable – physically, emotionally, sexually – are strictly prohibited. Since children, teens, and adults have different sensitivity levels and cultural norms, staff members should err on the side of caution. Actions will be judged by how they are perceived, not just how they were intended.
Abusive behavior will result in serious consequences including dismissal from camp and the possibility of criminal action.
Prohibited or abusive conduct at camp falls under five main categories:
- PHYSICAL ABUSE – NEVER, under any circumstances, should a tzevet (staff) member use physical force with a hanich (camper) – either as a behavioral consequence or even as an overly playful gesture. Such gestures can be subject to many interpretations. If you feel yourself getting angry, find another staff member to supervise and walk away, count to 10, etc., but NEVER touch a camper out of anger or use any physical force. Please seek guidance and help if you are feeling this way; asking for help is a sign of strength.
- PSYCHOLOGICAL/EMOTIONAL ABUSE – Emotional abuse refers to interactions with hanichim that cause them emotional or psychological distress. Staff members are in a position of authority over hanichim, and when power is used inappropriately or abusively, it can cause great distress, as fear and distrust replace the comfort and trust we try to build. Examples of emotional abuse include acts of rejection, isolation, and exploitation, scaring, and taking advantage of campers. Calling campers demeaning names, withholding food or treats as punishment, threatening, blaming or humiliating campers, giving unreasonable punishments, and ignoring hanichim who are in need of your support can all cause psychological harm. Avoid mean jokes and sarcasm.
- VERBAL ABUSE – Never threaten a hanich. Never yell, curse, or scream at a hanich. Yelling and cursing only communicates a message of being out of control. It can scare the hanichim, even if they don’t tell you they are scared and pretend that they are okay with it. Similarly, stories and language that are foul or otherwise inappropriate can be abusive. As with psychological/emotional abuse, the scars are not always visible, but are often irreparable.
- NEGLECT – Neglect is often an unintentional form of abuse, but can be just as damaging as the above. Examples of neglect include poor supervision, withholding attention, withholding food, and disregard for basic physical safety, emotional safety, and comfort of campers.
- SEXUAL ABUSE – Any sexual behavior between a staff member and camper is by definition abusive.
Sexual behavior may include, but is not limited to:
- Unwanted sexual touching, such as sexual touching that lacks mutual consent, or any sexual behavior by one person that is undesired by the other person.
- Sexual touching with the use of force, which is sexual assault.
- A staff member touching a camper for their own sexual stimulation or that of the camper.
- Sexual behavior (such as masturbation) that takes place in front of a camper.
We reiterate that any sexual behavior between a staff member and camper is by definition abusive and explicitly note that a camper is incapable of giving consent to sexual behavior under any circumstances whatsoever.
Behavior by a staff member that is cause for concern and should be reported:
- Pays too much attention to an individual camper
- Too much touching of campers, even touching that is seemingly innocent
- Invites campers to his/her housing
- Allows campers to shower or change in their private space
- Gives gifts to a specific camper
Healthy and nurturing physical contact is an important aspect of our value system and our camp’s culture.
Appropriate contact with hanichim is defined as physical contact for the sole purpose of nurturing or reassuring the person touched, and should be restricted to shoulders, upper back, arms, and hands. It is given with no expectations of anything in return to convey approval, reassurance, or trust. It always accounts for the comfort level of the person being touched. If a hanich demonstrates any discomfort, this form of reassurance should stop.
Camp Ramah should be a place where touch that is nurturing can occur and where discussion about feelings can occur. Again, staff should take care to restrict these instances of touch to times when they are in public view. Examples may include:
- Pats on the back or touch on the shoulder
- Hugs (without full frontal contact) of welcome/hello/goodbye/Shabbat Shalom
- Handshakes, high fives, etc.
- Havdalah, “rad hayom,” and other group circles
The appropriateness of physical contact will vary with different ages, the context of the interaction, and the stages of childhood development. For additional guidance, please discuss with your Yoetzet or the Director of Camper Care.
Any physical contact that violates the comfort level of the person being touched is prohibited. It is touch that is achieved through the use of power on the part of the person doing the touching. It is touch that is given or forced on one for the primary satisfaction of the toucher – not the person being touched. Examples of prohibited touch include:
- Sexual contact of any kind with a camper
- Physical force (hitting, arm twisting, pinching, towel whipping, etc.)
- “Hazing” activities which can be physically and/or sexually abusive and cause psychological harm, e.g., touching and/or in any way playing with a camper while they are sleeping.
Is touching a camper ever allowed? What is clear and unclear? Whenever possible, one must get consent before touching a camper in any way.
- Clear: There is to be no sexual touching; no romantic touching; no playful touching that might be interpreted or misinterpreted as romantic; no touching of private areas, including groin, breasts, and buttocks (sometimes referred to as the areas covered by a bathing suit or underwear); and no kissing. All of these are categorized as sexual activity, and, as described above, any sexual activity with a camper is automatically abusive. Campers by definition cannot give consent to any of these actions.
- Physical touching which can be inappropriate or be easily misconstrued also must be avoided. This includes: lap sitting; cheek kissing, shoulder rides, piggy-back rides, playful wrestling, massages.
- Key principle: No person should ever be touched in a way that makes them feel uncomfortable. When in doubt, even about seemingly innocent touching (e.g., hug, pat on back, lifting, etc.), ask the camper for their consent or don’t do it.
- Caution: Staff members must never be alone with an individual camper in a closed, private place. Any situation can be misinterpreted, so it is important to keep doors open, avoid private spaces, and stay in groups.
Staff members should gently block and redirect a camper who attempts to touch the staff member in an inappropriate or sexual manner. They should discourage campers from inappropriate expectations of touch in a gentle manner, being mindful to not embarrass the camper.
Staff members should gently set limits when campers seek excessive, inappropriate, or sexual attention and obtain support services for campers who continually struggle with these limits.
Additionally, all staff members should be mindful of the camper’s behavior and actions, taking notice of behaviors that may be suggestive of past abuse, as communicated during trainings. Such behaviors should be communicated to camp leadership as soon as possible.
Ramah requires that all staff members complete annual training in these areas.
Staff-Camper Ratios
All interactions with campers are to take place in spaces that are both observable and interruptible. This includes but is not limited to spaces with observable windows, unlocked doors, and is reported as being used for programming purposes (is taking place at a time and in a space known and designated for programming use). Ideally 1:1 interactions should take place at times when additional staff and/or adults are present in the same or adjoining space.
During 1:1 interactions, the room door should be open or with an unobstructed window view with clear visibility into the room.
The door should be unlocked and the staff member should not physically be between the camper and the room exit.
When transporting campers out of camp (doctor’s appointments, shopping needs, meeting a group, etc.), it is preferable for at least two staff members to accompany the campers. In the unavoidable situation when a Ramah staff member must transport a camper alone, this arrangement must be approved by a supervisor.
Showing Favoritism
Ramah staff members and volunteers should refrain from showing favoritism to campers for whom they are responsible (e.g., gift giving that is specific to an individual camper or spending a disproportionate amount of time individually with one camper).
Language and Communication
Words, what we say, and how we communicate with others can be nurturing and supportive. Language and communication can also be destructive and hurtful. All members of the Ramah community should be careful and cognizant of the language used at all times, and especially when we speak to and/or are in the presence of campers.
Ramah staff members may not make any sexually suggestive comments, jokes, innuendos, behavior, or use inappropriate language to or in the presence of campers. In addition:
- Communications with campers should include language that is encouraging, respectful, and confidence-boosting.
- Staff members may not use language that teases, belittles, or shames a camper.
- Inappropriate language/conversation may include, but is not limited to:
- Cursing
- Using lewd or sexually suggestive language
- Comments about the way a camper looks, is dressed, or about the camper’s body
- Questions about a camper’s sexuality/orientation
- Information about a staff member’s intimate behaviors, relationships, desires, or body.
- A staff member should never ask a camper to keep a secret.
Photos and Videos
Ramah actively promotes photographic recording of our community for archival and promotional purposes. We also acknowledge that images of campers may be used inappropriately or illegally. Therefore, the following rules apply to photography (including video) of campers at Ramah:
- Staff members are not permitted to email, text, or post on their personal social media accounts any photos or videos of campers.
- No photography may be conducted inside bunks, changing areas, bathrooms, or whenever a camper is in a state of undress or has an expectation of privacy.
- The camp may not post images of campers that include identifying personal information such as full name (English or Hebrew), address, or phone number.
- All photographers/videographers seeking permission to photograph at Ramah must agree to and adhere to the guidelines set forth by this statement.
- Any image (digital or other) of a camper, taken with permission, but which reveals private body parts, even if unintentional, violates these rules, is not suitable for public display, and must be destroyed or deleted.
Social Media and Electronic Communications
Staff members should not communicate with individual campers on the internet during or after the camp season other than in ways expressly permitted by the CEO.
- In the event that a staff member is required, for Ramah business purposes, to communicate with a camper via email, text message, or social media, an additional staff member or parent/guardian must be copied on the communication.
- Staff members who have Ramah email accounts must communicate with campers using these accounts (not from personal email accounts) or Ramah social networking profiles (e.g., not personal Facebook or other social media accounts).
- Staff members should not send social media “friend” requests to a camper utilizing a personal social media account.
Alcohol and Drugs
Providing any camper with drugs or alcohol is a criminal offense, and is prohibited at camp and at all Ramah events. Similarly, it is prohibited for staff members to interact with or be around campers while under the influence or in possession of drugs or alcohol.
(Adapted from “What to Do When a Child Discloses Possible Abuse,” prepared for Camp Ramah in California by Miriam Wolf, MSW)
Because of the trusted relationship that campers often develop with staff at camp, campers occasionally disclose information about possible abuse. Information of this nature may require additional follow-up by the camp administration, and may also trigger a report to the appropriate authorities as required by law. Whether the alleged abuse occurred in or out of camp, if a camper discloses possible child abuse, a staff member should follow these steps:
- Practice “active listening,” where the camper does most of the talking and you do mostly supportive listening. Be supportive but not overreact; children often do not disclose due to fear of upsetting adults or being viewed as scarred in some way. If you respond with “That’s the worst thing I’ve ever heard,” it can trigger negative behaviors and can lead to the camper shutting down the conversation. If the camper asks you to promise to keep the information to yourself you may say, “Most things you tell me I can keep to myself. But if you tell me something that makes me worry about your safety or the safety of someone else, I may not be able to keep that to myself.” NEVER promise that you won’t tell anyone else.
- Tell the camper that you are glad they told you. Support the camper’s decision to tell by praising the courage it took to tell. Do not investigate or ask detailed questions at this time. Simply reassure the camper that you will do your best to help them. While it is difficult to hear information of this kind, try to remain supportive and neutral.
- Tell the camper that you are going to help them. Then, follow the protocol set by the camp: Tell your Rosh Edah (Division Head) or Yoetzet (Parent Liaison) immediately, who will arrange for you to speak with the CEO, Co-Director, Director of Camper Care, or the appropriate senior staff member.
- Some campers might initially be angry with you that you cannot keep the information to yourself. It is important to remember that campers often choose to tell someone when they want help. Helping campers does not mean keeping secrets; it means getting them appropriate assistance while at camp and when they return home. Be sure to speak with your Yoetzet about your feelings and involvement in this situation.
State laws mandate that the CEO (or designee) report suspected incidents of child abuse or neglect to legal authorities. Ramah policy requires all Ramah staff to report to the CEO or another senior camp leader any reasonable suspicion that a camper is being abused or maltreated (whether this is a past occurrence or a present situation). All reports facilitated by camp leadership will be held in the strictest of confidence, protecting the confidentiality of the information and the individuals involved to the extent possible.
The CEO shall report suspected abuse or neglect to the Massachusetts Department of Children & Families.
If a child reports, or we suspect, abuse or neglect at home, the CEO would contact the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families to determine our reporting responsibilities.
Camp Ramah’s discipline policy is designed to create a safe environment at camp, and to help children develop self control and assume responsibility for their actions.
Clear and consistent, age appropriate rules and limits are established at camp. Any disciplinary measure used will relate to the child’s specific actions and will be handled in a timely fashion. No physical or corporal punishment, or hitting of any kind, is allowed. No cruel punishment, verbal abuse or humiliation, scare tactics, or other controlling measures are allowed. No methods associated with the deprivation of food, water, or shelter, or extended isolation are allowed. No punishment of any kind for wetting the bed is allowed.
Any consequence given by a madrich to a hanich must be approved by the Rosh Edah or yoetzet.
If a child’s behavior is chronically disruptive, even after reasonable measures have been made to assist the child in adjusting to the camp setting, parents will be contacted by camp staff to determine if the child is able to continue at camp. Staff will always work toward developing a cooperative plan of action to maximize a camper’s chances of success at summer camp. If disruptive behavior continues, the camper may be dismissed from the camp program.
Camp Ramah reserves the right to immediately dismiss a hanich from the summer camp program without prior warning.
The following actions may result in immediate dismissal from camp:
- Physical, sexual, or verbal abuse
- Leaving the camp grounds without permission
- Smoking (including e-cigarettes) or vaping
- Possessing or using marijuana (or marijuana equipment)
- Possessing weapons or firearms
- Vandalism (including graffiti) or pranks or activities that destroy camp property
- Misuse of fire extinguishers
- Disrupting someone who is sleeping
- Invading someone’s privacy while they are in the bathroom or shower.
- Self-harmful behaviors
- Sexual activity (including intercourse, oral sex, or other behavior for which the camp cannot take responsibility)
- Camp Ramah New England has zero tolerance for the use by any camper of alcohol, illegal or recreational drugs, or other controlled substances
It is not possible to list all forms of behavior that are considered unacceptable.
The CEO and/or yoetzet will be in touch with the parent/ guardian directly if there are discipline issues.
AS PER MA LAW: 105 cmr 430.121
(A) Discipline and guidance shall be consistent and based upon an understanding of the individual needs and development of a child. The operator shall direct discipline to the goal of maximizing the growth and development of the children and for protecting the group and individuals within it.
(B) Prohibitions. (1) Corporal punishment, including spanking and hitting of any kind, is prohibited; (2) No camper shall be subjected to cruel or severe punishment, humiliation, or verbal abuse; (3) No camper shall be denied food, water or shelter as a form of punishment; (4) No child shall be punished for soiling, wetting or not using the toilet.
(C) The operator shall describe in writing, the camp’s procedures for disciplining campers. The written plan shall also include the prohibitions of 105 CMR 430.191(B)(1) through (4).
(This National Ramah policy has been developed in consultation with Sacred Spaces (
Camp Ramah is a special Jewish community of people living and learning together for the summer. We expect every member of the community — campers, staff members, and guests — to all follow a set of basic Jewish ethics and camp rules. These include demonstrating respect for other persons in what we say and in how we act, and doing everything we can to protect the health and safety of every individual.
It is the policy of Camp Ramah that sexual harassment will not be tolerated. This includes unwanted sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or visual, verbal, or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:
- Submission to such conduct is made a term or condition of employment.
- Submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as a basis for employment decisions affecting the individual.
- Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with a staff member’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.
It is unlawful for one individual to sexually harass another individual. Sexual harassment on the job is unlawful whether it involves harassment by a co-worker, by a supervisor or a manager, or by persons doing business with or for Camp Ramah.
Camp Ramah is committed to ensuring that our community is free of harassment and discrimination, whether prohibited by law or by Jewish ethical standards. Camp Ramah prohibits discrimination and harassment of any kind, including on the basis of race, religious belief, sex, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, age, medical condition, disability, national origin, or any other category protected by applicable state or federal law.
Camp Ramah’s policy against harassment and discrimination applies to all members of and visitors to the Ramah community including employees, campers, family members, vendors, suppliers, independent contractors, and others doing business with Camp Ramah. Any such harassment will subject an employee to disciplinary action, up to and including immediate termination.
Examples of Sexual Harassment: Sexual harassment (which can also constitute abuse or assault) can include a broad spectrum of conduct including, but not limited to:
- Unwanted sexual advances;
- Offering an employment benefit (such as a raise, promotion, or career advancement) in exchange for sexual favors or engaging in an intimate relationship, or threatening an employment detriment (such as termination or demotion) for an employee’s failure to engage in sexual activity or an intimate relationship;
- Visual conduct, such as leering or making sexual gestures;
- Verbal sexual advances, propositions, requests, or comments;
- Sending or posting sexually-related messages, videos, or photos on social media;
- Verbal abuse of a sexual nature; graphic verbal comments about an individual’s body or attire; sexually degrading words used to describe an individual; and suggestive or obscene letters, notes, or invitations;
- Physical conduct, such as touching, groping, assault, or blocking movement;
- Physical or verbal abuse concerning an individual’s gender, transgender status, gender identity, or gender expression;
- Verbal abuse concerning a person’s characteristics such as pitch of voice, facial hair, or the size or shape of a person’s body;
- Exposure of one’s sexual body parts except as necessary for changing or bathing;
- Engaging in any sexually explicit conversation or behavior in front of co-workers or campers which can create an offensive or hostile environment.
Other Examples of Prohibited Harassment: In addition to the above listed conduct, Camp Ramah strictly prohibits harassment including:
- Racial or ethnic slurs, epithets, and any other offensive remarks
- Jokes about sex or about body image, whether written, verbal, or electronic
- Threats, intimidation, and other menacing behavior
- Inappropriate verbal, graphic, or physical conduct
- Sending or posting harassing messages, videos, or photos on social media
If you have any questions about what constitutes harassing behavior, ask your supervisor or another member of camp leadership.
Prohibition Against Retaliation: Camp Ramah prohibits retaliation against those who report, oppose, or participate in an investigation of alleged harassment, discrimination, or other wrongdoing in the workplace.
By way of example only, participating in such an investigation includes:
- Filing a complaint with a federal or state enforcement or administrative agency;
- Participating in or cooperating with a federal or state enforcement agency conducting an investigation of Camp Ramah regarding alleged unlawful activity;
- Testifying as a party, witness, or accused regarding alleged unlawful activity;
- Making an internal complaint with Camp Ramah regarding alleged unlawful activity;
- Assisting another employee who is engaged in any of these activities.
All employees are required to cooperate fully in the event of any such investigation.
Camp Ramah is further committed to prohibiting retaliation against employees who request a reasonable accommodation for any known physical or mental disability and employees who request a reasonable accommodation of their religious beliefs and observances.
If you believe that you are being or have been harassed or discriminated against, you are encouraged to immediately seek support from a senior camp leader (e.g. CEO, COO, Co-Directors, Director of Camper Care, Rosh Edah, Yoetzet (Parent Liaison), etc.) or medical professional (nurse or doctor) whom you trust and with whom you are comfortable speaking. These senior camp leaders have been trained in supporting victims of harassment and assault, and will help you determine how best to handle the situation, presenting you with various options, including the filing of a complaint with the camp.
You may always feel free to speak with any of the following individuals, based on your level of comfort:
- CEO: Rabbi Ed Gelb
- Co-Director: Josh Edelglass
- Co-Director: Michelle Sugarman
- Director of Camper Care: Talya Kalender
- COO: Ed Pletman
- President of Camp Ramah New England Board of Directors: Liz Waksman
- National Ramah Commission, Inc. (212-678-8881): Amy Skopp Cooper, Director.
You may choose to file a written complaint. All written complaints should include details of the incident(s), names of the individual(s) involved, and the names of any witnesses.
Bystander: If you observe harassment of any person at camp, please report the incident immediately to one of the individuals listed above.
Supervisors who receive any complaint of harassment, discrimination, or retaliation must promptly report such complaint to one of the individuals listed above.
Camp Ramah takes all complaints of harassment seriously and will not penalize you or retaliate against you in any way for reporting potential harassment or discrimination in good faith.
Violation of this policy will subject an employee to disciplinary action, up to and including immediate termination. Moreover, any employee, supervisor, or manager who condones or ignores potential violations of this policy will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Additionally, under state law, employees may be held personally liable for harassing conduct or allowing harassing conduct that violates the state employment statutes.
All employees and individuals performing services for Camp Ramah are expected to comply with this policy and to cooperate with investigations of complaints of harassment.
We strongly encourage our staff-members to file a complaint of sexual harassment using Camp Ramah’s complaint procedure. However, using our internal complaint process does not prohibit you from contacting one of the following agencies:
Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination Boston Office: One Ashburton Place, Room 601, Boston, MA 02108-1518, (617) 994 6000 (voice), (617) 994 6196 (TTY). Springfield Office: 436 Dwight Street, Room 220, Springfield, MA 01103, (413) 739 2145.
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, John F. Kennedy Federal Building, Government Center, 4th Floor, Room 475, Boston, MA 02203, (617) 565 3200 (voice), (617) 565 3204 (TTY). Complaints must be filed within 300 days of the adverse action.
We believe strongly in the principle that all of our tzevet should have regular opportunities to receive feedback regarding the quality of the work they are doing.
To that end, tzevet will be evaluated, both informally and in writing throughout the summer. The goal of the evaluations will always be to improve the work of the tzevet member. We expect that all tzevet will take the opportunity seriously to evaluate, and to be evaluated.
At the end of the summer, a written evaluation of each tzevet member is saved in your file.
Camp Ramah New England’s reputation is built on excellent service and quality work. To maintain this reputation requires the active participation of all tzevet. The opinions and attitudes that hanichim have toward Camp Ramah may be determined for a long period of time by the actions of one person.
All tzevet must be sensitive to the importance of providing courteous treatment in all working relationships.
This applies not just to your treatment of your hanichim, but also your polite, welcoming, respectful treatment of all camp parents (including staff parents) and other visitors to camp.
You are expected to demonstrate proper care when using Camp Ramah’s property and equipment. No property may be removed from the premises without the proper authorization of management. If you lose, break or damage any property, report it to the Co-Directors, Program Director, or Director of Finance and Operations at once.
Camp Ramah New England is not responsible for loss, theft or damage to personal property. This includes your personal items, such as purses, jewelry, cameras, computers, electronic equipment and all other valuables.
This policy contains guidelines for Electronic Communications created, sent, received, used, transmitted, or stored using Camp Ramah New England’s communication systems or equipment and staff member provided systems or equipment used either in the workplace, during working time or to accomplish work tasks. “Electronic Communications” include, among other things, messages, images, data or any other information used in e-mail, instant messages, voice mail, fax machines, computers, tablets, personal digital assistants, text messages, pagers, telephones, cell phones, Intranet, Internet, back-up storage, information on a memory or flash key or card, jump or zip drive or any other type of internal or external removable storage drives. In the remainder of this policy, all of these communication devices are collectively referred to as “Systems.”
Staff-members may use our Systems to communicate internally with co-workers or externally with campers, suppliers, vendors, advisors, and other business acquaintances for business purposes.
All Electronic Communications contained in Camp Ramah New England Systems are Camp Ramah records and/or property. Although a staff-member may have an individual password to access our Systems, the Systems and Electronic Communications belong to Camp Ramah. The Systems and Electronic Communications are accessible to Camp Ramah at all times including periodic unannounced inspections. Our Systems and Electronic Communications are subject to use, access, monitoring, review, recording and disclosure without further notice. Our Systems and Electronic Communications are not confidential or private. Camp Ramah’s right to use, access, monitor, record and disclose Electronic Communications without further notice applies equally to staff member-provided systems or equipment used in the workplace, during working time, or to accomplish work tasks.
Although incidental and occasional personal use of our Systems that does not interfere or conflict with productivity or Camp Ramah’s business or violate policy is permitted, personal communications in our Systems are treated the same as all other Electronic Communications and will be used, accessed, recorded, monitored, and disclosed by Camp Ramah at any time without further notice. Because all Electronic Communications and Systems can be accessed without advance notice, staff members should not use our Systems for communication or information that staff members would not want revealed to third parties.
Tzevet may not use our Systems in a manner that violates our policies including but not limited to Non-Harassment, Sexual Harassment, Equal Employment Opportunity, Protecting Camp Ramah Information, and Solicitation and Distribution. Staff-members may not use our Systems in any way that may be seen as insulting, disruptive, obscene, offensive, or harmful to morale. Examples of prohibited uses include, but are not limited to, sexually explicit drawings, messages, images, cartoons, or jokes; propositions or love letters; ethnic or racial slurs, threats, or derogatory comments; or any other message or image that may be in violation of Camp Ramah policies.
In addition, tzevet may not use our Systems:
- To download, save, send or access any defamatory, discriminatory or obscene material
- To download, save, send or access any music, audio or video file without permission of one’s supervisor
- To download anything from the internet (including shareware or free software) without the permission of one’s supervisor
- To download, save, send or access any site or content that Camp Ramah might deem “adult entertainment”
- To post a personal opinion on the internet that reflects negatively on Camp Ramah
- To solicit staff members or others
- To gain or attempt to gain unauthorized or unlawful access to computers, equipment, networks, or systems of Camp Ramah or any other person or entity
- In connection with any infringement of intellectual property rights, including but not limited to copyrights
- In connection with the violation or attempted violation of any law
Tzevet may not misrepresent, disguise, or conceal their identity or another’s identity in any way while using Electronic Communications; make changes to Electronic Communications without clearly indicating such changes; or use another person’s account, mail box, password, etc. without prior written approval of the account owner and without identifying the actual author. Tzevet must always respect intellectual property rights such as copyrights and trademarks. Tzevet must not copy, use, or transfer proprietary materials of Camp Ramah or others without appropriate authorization.
All Systems passwords and encryption keys must be available and known to Camp Ramah. Tzevet may not install password or encryption programs without the written permission of the CEO, COO, Co-Directors, or Assistant Director. Tzevet may not use the passwords and encryption keys belonging to others.
Numerous state and federal laws apply to Electronic Communications. Camp Ramah will comply with applicable laws. Tzevet also must comply with applicable laws and should recognize that a tzevet member could be personally liable and/or subject to fine and imprisonment for violation of applicable laws.
Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including discharge as well as possible civil liabilities or criminal prosecution. Where appropriate, Camp Ramah may advise legal officials or appropriate third parties of policy violations and cooperate with official investigations. We will not, of course, retaliate against anyone who reports possible policy violations or assists with investigations.
If you have questions about the acceptable use of our Systems or the content of Electronic Communications, ask our CEO, Co-Directors or COO for advance clarification.
Camp Ramah New England’s reputation for integrity is its most valuable asset and is directly related to the conduct of its officers and tzevet. Therefore, tzevet must never use their positions with Camp Ramah, or any of its hanichim, for private gain, to advance personal interests or to obtain favors or benefits for themselves, members of their families or any other individuals, corporations or business entities.
Camp Ramah New England adheres to the highest legal and ethical standards applicable in our business. Our business is conducted in strict observance of both the letter and spirit of all applicable laws and the integrity of each staff member is of utmost importance.
Tzevet shall conduct their personal affairs such that their duties and responsibilities to Camp Ramah are not jeopardized and/or legal questions do not arise with respect to their association or work with Camp Ramah.