Transformative Jewish Experience
There is no better way to instill a love for Judaism than a summer at Ramah. At Ramah, being Jewish is fun. At Ramah, being Jewish is cool.
Surrounded by their close friends and the extraordinary Jewish role models who are their counselors, Ramah campers get to live a Jewish life at Ramah.
Learn more about:
Shabbat T’fillah Hebrew Israel
Hear Ramah campers, parents, and alumni describe the impact of the Jewish experience at Ramah:
“My daughter has been a shy, quiet child, but [at her Bat Mitzvah] she did all of Shacharit, leyned the entire Torah reading, chanted the Haftorah and gave a beautiful d’var Torah to the entire congregation at the end of the main service. She read and spoke with incredible confidence and poise. I give a lot of credit to her experiences at Camp Ramah over the past several summers for helping her gain confidence.” Stephanie Sporkin, Ramah parent and staff member
“On Visiting Day, I was walking down the road from the marp and an A-side girl was walking with her parents and said the following: ‘You know how I told you that there was no way I would read Torah at my bat-mitzvah, well I might have changed my mind. My counselor is so cool, is really great at sports and she reads Torah for us all the time.’ I thought this was so great and wanted to share. The power of Ramah in action.” Abbey Frank, Ramah parent and staff member