Music & Performing Arts


Campers participating in drama learn basic acting techniques — including blocking (how to stage a scene), how to project one’s voice, how to develop “stage presence,” and more. Campers participate in improv games, developing confidence in the unpredictability of acting on stage. On Tzad Bet (B-Side, for our older campers), every edah (division/age-group) puts together one large machazemer (play/musical) each summer which they perform for the entire camp. These are always an exciting event at camp, and an incredible opportunity for our performance-loving campers to shine!

Nivonim Play – all seven Harry Potter books combined!


Music, particularly Jewish music, is a central component of the Ramah experience! The buildings and fields of Ramah ring with the sound of music. Campers love shira (singing) at camp. We’ll often burst into a vibrant shira session at the end of a meal. Campers with musical talents can sign up to be a part of a band chug (elective), and older campers can play in the band of their edah (division)’s theatrical performance. Older campers also have an opportunity to join an extraordinary a cappella group during our Kishroniyah program, the special week during which we bring an array of talented specialists to camp.

If singing is popular at Ramah, rikud (dancing) is even more popular!  It’s a regular event for our counselors to turn on a favorite song and for everyone to leap up and dance!  Campers learn an array of dances: fast-paced dances to modern Israeli pop music as well as more traditional Israeli dances.

Spotlight on Kishroniyah a cappella:

Kishroniyah a cappella: Shira Hadasha:

Ilanot sings during our Zimkudiyah — song and dance festival:

Adom (Red) teams sings during Yom Sport (Color War):