Packing List
Remember: Please label ALL items!!
This list is intended as a suggested packing list with ideas of what your child might need at camp. It is not required to bring every single item on this list. Please feel free to adjust for your child(ren) and contact us with any questions.
Please click here for more information in our “What to Pack” section.
- TALLIT or TALLIT KATAN (required for all campers living in a male identifying bunk of Bar Mitzvah age and older /encouraged for all campers living in a female identifying bunk of Bat Mitzvah age and older)
- TEFILLIN (required for all campers living in a male identifying bunk of Bar Mitzvah age and older /encouraged for all campers living in a female identifying bunk of Bat Mitzvah age and older)
- 10 – 14 t-shirts
- 6-10 pairs shorts
- 2-3 sweatshirts
- 3-4 long-sleeve or flannel shirts
- 14 pairs of socks
- 5 pairs of pants/sweatpants/leggings
- 14 sets of underwear
- 3-4 pairs pajamas, including 1 warm pair
- 3 swimsuits
- 2 baseball caps or sun hats
- raincoat
- warm jacket
- 4 kipot (required for all campers living in a male identifying bunk)
- 5-7 bras/sports bras (if applicable)
2-4 sets of Shabbat clothes. This might include:
- khaki pants or nice shorts
- collared shirts
- dresses or skirts and blouses
- 1 pair rain boots
- 1 pair sneakers
- 1 pair beach shoes/flip-flops
- 1 pair shower shoes
- 1 pair Shabbat dress shoes or sandals
- toothbrush case
- 3 toothbrushes
- toothpaste
- deodorant
- sunscreen
- bug spray
- shampoo/conditioner
- soap or body wash
- soap dish
- comb/brush
- drinking cup
- shower caddy
- hair products
- hair ties
- nail clipper
- orthodontic retainer (if applicable)
- feminine hygiene products
- 4 bath towels
- 1-2 warm blankets or comforters
- 2 wash cloths
- 2 hand towels
- 1 laundry bag
- 2 twin sheet sets
- 2 beach towels
- 1 pillow
FOR B-SIDE CAMPERS (rising 8th to 11th graders) FOR ROO SPORTS:
- athletic shorts
- sports bras
- cleats if planning to participate in a field sport (soccer, ultimate frisbee, or softball)
- swim cap if planning to participate in swimming
- 2 WATER BOTTLES labeled with name
- STAMPS, PAPER, ENVELOPES & LIST OF ADDRESSES for letter writing. We recommend parents provide younger campers with self-addressed stamped envelopes.
- 1 shoe bag
- flashlight & batteries
- umbrella
- extra eyeglasses
- contact lenses & solution
- books
- inexpensive camera
- athletic equipment (tennis racket, balls, baseball glove)
- musical instruments (non-electric)
- backpack
- string bag
- iPod Nano or similar*
- Kindle Paperwhite or similar*
- Portable fan and extension cord or battery operated fan and extra batteries
- Sleeping bag (FOR NIVONIM ONLY!)
- PLEASE DO NOT SEND ANY FOOD per camp policy.
- CASH IS NOT NEEDED AT CAMP. Please do not send any with your child. Camp is not responsible for any cash that is sent to camp.
- Please be sure to label ALL clothing with your child’s first and last name! (Initials are NOT sufficient for us to identify lost items found around camp.)
- Please be sure to label ALL items, including duffel bags, Tallit, Tefillin and Tallit bags!
- Please only pack clothing that can be laundered.
- Please do not pack any item that your child would be heartbroken to lose.
Please contact us if you have any questions. Todah Rabbah!