Nivonim plans an amazing Yom Sport!


Great moments come from great opportunities.  I know this quote from the movie Miracle is somewhat of a cliché these days, but it is exactly what I told Nivonim before Yom Sport. They had a great opportunity to bring the magic and fun of Camp to every edah/division.  And that’s exactly what they did.  I have never been as proud of Nivonim as I was last night after closing ceremonies.
It all started with breakout on Monday afternoon.  Our peula/programming and madrich/bunk counseling MiNis (madrichim b’nivonim/counselors that are Nivonimers) told each of their tzrifim/bunks that it was now Yom Sport and they helped them get ready and helped organize them by their teams. 


Meanwhile, the older hanichim/campers of tzad bet/b-side were all together for minha/afternoon prayers in the Beit Am Gadol.  Right after teffilot/prayers, all of the younger hanichim rushed into the BA”G to breakout Yom Sport for the rest of Camp.  It was such an amazing sight to see Nivonim working with the younger hanichim to give Camp an amazing experience.
Later that night we held opening ceremonies for all of Camp and that was followed by team medurot/campfires where the teams bonded and learned their songs and dances.


The next morning, we had teffilot by team.  It was so inspiring to see Nivonimers leading services and getting the younger hanichim engaged in teffilot.




Then the rest of the day was filled with tons of sports related fun including an exciting apache relay and an intense captains game of tug-o-war.  The Nivonimers really made the day special for all of Camp.  At closing ceremonies, it was hard to not get chocked up watching Nivonimers doing choreographed dances with Ilanoters and Kochavimers.
I brought the edah together after closing ceremonies and I told them the truth: this was the best Yom Sport in the history of Camp! I am so proud of them for transmitting an awesome experience for every hanich(a)/camper. Great moments come from great opportunities. For Nivonim, this was the greatest moment of the summer.

Categories: Nivonim