Adat Ha-Bogrim go “Funyaking”

Adat Ha-Bogrim headed out for a day of “Funyaking.” Their bags were packed, lunches were made, and they were geared up with their inflatable floaties for what they knew would be a fabulous Funyaking kind of day. What is “Funyaking” you ask?  Funyaks are self-bailing, inflatable kayaks carrying one or two people. They are very stable and comfortable with room to stretch your back and legs on a soft surface. On a beautiful, lower section of the Deerfield River, the Funyak trip is an eight-mile afternoon adventure in fun Class I-II whitewater. A pre-trip safety and paddling lesson prepares the Chanichim (campers) to conquer the river and small rapids such as “Chicle River” and “S-Turn.” The day is filled with giant squirt guns, beautiful scenery, a picnic, and best of all a day where memories are made, the Chanichim get to connect to another beautiful part of nature and bond as an Edah. Have fun Adat Ha-Bogrim!


Categories: Bogrim