All-Camp Kabbalat Shabbat and Havdalah!
So many moments at camp this summer feel new, or renewed in ways that deeply impact the members of our Ramah community. The Ramah Shabbat experience is a foundational one for generations of chanichim (campers) and tzevet (staff members). All the more so this year, after such a long wait to get back to camp!
This past Shabbat, our entire community was able to gather in the Horshah (grove) on Friday night for all-camp Kabbalat Shabbat and on Saturday night for all-camp Havdalah. How we relish these moments when we can all be together! How wonderful it is to see our 800-person community gathered in such a beautiful a setting!
As we gathered to begin Kabbalat Shabbat, Bogrim performed a beautiful song and dance, and members of the edah led the tefilot. The singing in the Chadar Ochel (Dining Hall) on Friday and Saturday nights was spectacular. While some
chanichim may not know the songs well, they were guided in the words – and the ruach – by their madrichim (counselors).
At all-camp Havdalah, each edah took its place in its “pie slice” of the Horshah, with a big Havdalah candle in each slice. Shira specialists Hazzan Jeremy Stein and Oren Kaunfer, joined by several chanichim, led us through the camp-style Havdalah tunes, followed by Shir Ramah (our official Ramah song) and Rad Hayom (the song that ends the day). Everyone was thrilled to be together, to close out a beautiful Shabbat and welcome a new week at camp!