An Incredible Day at Six Flags!
We’ve been planning for months to bring back a beloved pre-pandemic tradition this summer: our all-camp trip to Six Flags!
Today, we did it! We brought the entire camp to Six Flags: 17 busses!
The weather report for today was awful, as bad as it’s ever been for a Six Flags day. The prediction was for non-stop rain all day. But changing the date of our trip is near-impossible. So, after much debate, we decided to stay the course and go as planned. This morning, we loaded the busses in the rain. It was worrisome…!
But then, a miracle: the skies cleared, and we had incredible weather all day. And the park was empty!! I’ve never seen anything like it. People stayed away because of the terrible weather forecast, and so we had the run of the place. The kids could do whatever rides they wanted, as many times as they wanted!! It was incredible. The joy was palpable.
Our Six Flags trip is quite an operation: we rent a huge pavilion which is our home base throughout the day. Our hard-working Cookin’ Crew delivered lunch and snacks to us in the middle of the day. (Working with the Six Flags team, we were able to drive a truck into the park and right to our pavilion.) Our Marp (Health Center) team sent staff, who set up a first-aid center in the pavilion to help any kids/staff who needed and also to dispense mid-day medications. Before the day, the edah tzevet (staff) work hard to divide the kids into kvutzot (groups) based on what in the park they want to do. (Intense rollercoasters? Mid-level coasters? Water-park?) Our madrichim/ot (counselors), assisted by an incredible array of our wonderful non-tzrif tzevet (non-bunk staff), each had a group of chanichim/ot (campers), and they traveled around the park together. (It’s an important Six Flags day rule that kids stay with their group, and their tzevet-member, throughout the day.) And I’m only scratching the surface of the logistics of the day!! Thankfully, all our hard work paid off and the day ran like clockwork. We returned home for a late aruchat erev (dinner), exhausted and joyful.
Click here to access a gallery of Six Flags photos on our password-protected photo gallery! And lots more photos will be coming soon!