Bogrim Buddies: Spotlight on Daniel

Bogrim Buddies (see prior post for details*) and Daniel: a great shidduch (match)! Daniel, a chanich (camper) in adat ha-Bogrim, says he loves connecting with and making new friends whether they are younger chanichim from Tzad Aleph (A-side) where his sister is a chanicha, or from the Tikvah program through Bogrim Buddies.  He spends lots of time at the agam (lake) shmoozing and swimming with Tikvah participants.  Daniel, of Bethesda, MD, enjoys the informal, easygoing setting of this program, and especially the real friendships he forms through it.

Amitzim and Bogrim Buddies: Agam (lake)!



Categories: Agam, Amitzim, Bogrim, Tikvah