Covid Update and Counselor Introductions
Shalom Parents,Click here to access the welcome videos organized by tzrif (bunk). Please note that due to COVID cases some of the counselors may be shifted during the first week due to bunk coverage needs. COVID UPDATE: We had a few staff members test positive Friday and Saturday and tested the whole staff this morning, as planned. We currently have 17 staff who have tested positive at camp, of which 12 are bunk counselors. For context, we have well over 200 staff members at camp. We have ample staff to staff camp and run a safe, fun and great program. It is critical that our camper families follow our pre camp testing instructions. The details of those procedures are in the Ramah Opening Day Email that can be accessed here. We have been planning for camp assuming that COVID will be a part of our camp experience. We successfully kept COVID out last summer, but everyone agreed that our 2021 approach would not be appropriate in 2022 – this summer our priority is to keep kids in. We were, and are, focused on making this a much more “normal” summer and learning to live with COVID at Camp. Our medical committee has set thoughtful policies that we will implement and will make adjustments as the situation warrants. We have handled many different health situations over the years including last summer, the 2019 Norovirus and the 2009 Swine Flu. Our guiding principle is that kids want – and need – to be at Camp, and we want to do everything we can to keep them here safely. If your child tests positive for COVID, you may choose to pick them up, however, we are planning to be able to keep children with COVID at Camp. If the situation changes and we feel that it is necessary for campers to go home to isolate, we will update you. Our Plan: Step one is to isolate COVID cases in the Marp (Health Center). Step two, if we have more cases than the Marp can accommodate, we have some extra camper and staff housing available. Step three, if we need to isolate more campers, we will shift some healthy campers into other healthy bunks to open up more bunk space for campers with COVID. We anticipate that the vast majority of impacted campers will have relatively light and even no symptoms while they are isolating. We expect to run “COVID” camp for those campers so they enjoy activities while recovering. This will be staffed by recovering or recently recovered staff. Our staff morale is high and we will do everything we can to support them as we work together to address the challenges that this summer will bring. We will contact you directly if your camper tests positive for COVID. We will not be contacting you if your camper is a close contact. Ongoing, we will be testing symptomatic campers and will rapid antigen test all campers on Sunday, July 3rd. I anticipate sending COVID updates as the situation at camp develops and changes. We are excited to welcome our chanichim to a fantastical and magical summer on Tuesday. Todah Rabbah, Rabbi Ed Gelb (He/Him/His) CEO, Ramah New England
We wanted to share a COVID update and also our counselor introductions. We are happy to introduce your camper’s madrichim (counselors).