Ilanot Tefilla

What a lovely Tefilla our Illanot chanichim (campers) had yesterday.  Chanich (camper) Andy (photo below) was the Shaliach Tzibur (prayer leader), and he did a great job.

The entire kehilla (congregation) also was involved and attentive.  During the Amida, they were encouraged by Rosh Edah Andy Weissfeld to daven the Amida or think of one nice thing they would do for someone else today.  Pictured top: Shaliach Tzibur Andy and Rosh Edah Andy.  To top it all off, there was a  great D’var Tefilla by Dan Savitt (photo, below), of our Tzevet Limud (Education staff), proud dad of an Ilanot chanich.  During the year, Dan  teaches Tanakh (Hebrew Bible) and Toshba (Rabbinic Literature) and serves as the Tefillah Coordinator at the Solomon  Schechter Day School of Greater Boston.  Yesterday with Ilanot, he read a story with 2 main characters, and 2 chanichim played those roles: Banker and Rabbi.  The moral of the story was that sometimes it’s better not to explicitly tell someone what the right thing to do is,  but rather assist them to arrive at the correct conclusion on their own. 

The chanichim all took responsibility to leave the moadon in a clean and organized fashion, and they were gently reminded of various Moadon guidelines by the illustrated signs posted.   What a great start to a great day!




Categories: Ilanot, Limud, Tefillot