Kishroniyah: Cookin’ Crew

Kishroniyah is one of our centerpiece programs for our Tzad Bet (B-Side) chanichim (campers). Kishroniyah comes from the Hebrew word kishron, which means skill. For one week each summer, we invite an array of high-level specialists into camp to run intense special programs for our older campers. Machon and Nivonim have 12 hours of Kishroniyah from Sunday-to-Wednesday, and Magshimim and Bogrim have 8 hours of Kishroniyah from Wednesday-to-Friday.
For Magshimim and Bogrim, the two heads of our kitchen, Sean Carey and Jackie Romito-Carey, ran an amazing and intensive Cookin’ Crew apprenticeship! The chanichim (campers) learned the ins and outs of what goes into preparing a meal here at camp, and they got to learn incredible high-level cooking skills from these two amazing chefs!