Kishroniyah: Podcasting!

Kishroniyah is one of our centerpiece programs for our Tzad Bet (B-Side) chanichim (campers). Kishroniyah comes from the Hebrew word kishron, which means skill. For one week each summer, we invite an array of high-level specialists into camp to run intense special programs for our older campers. Machonand Nivonim have 12 hours of Kishroniyah from Sunday-to-Wednesday, and Magshimim and Bogrim have 8 hours of Kishroniyah from Wednesday-to-Friday.
One of our new Kishroniyah groups this year was podcasting! This group was run by Micah Hart, the host of the “Who Knows One?” Jewish Geography game show and the “Campfires and Color Wars” podcast – a storytelling podcast about summer camp memories, created for those who left summer camp but it never left us.
In this Kishroniyah group, the participants learned all about how to create a podcast, from start to finish! They learned how to set up and use the recording equipment, how to conduct interviews, how to record and edit audio files, and so much more! Over just a few short days, the group created a whole array of new podcast episodes, exploring different aspects of the Ramah experience, including the Kishroniyah program itself! Take a listen and enjoy:
Stories from Machaneh Ramah New England:
A Bit of Reality (Eliya & Zoe):
Campfires & Color Wars – Ramah (Moriah, Corinne & Rosie):
Campfires & Color Wars – Ramah (Ari, Nate & Andy):
Campfires & Color Wars – Ramah (Miriam, Avi & Jacob):
Hot Takes (Avi & Jacob):
Kishroniyah (Andy, Nate & Ari):
Kishroniyah (Eliya & Zoe):
Kishroniyah (Jacob, Avi & Miriam):
Kishroniyah (Moriah, Corinne & Rosie):
The Farm (Miriam):
Oopsies (Moriah, Corinne & Rosie):