Kochavim has a meaningful Tisha B’Av

Yesterday, Kochavim and all of Machane Ramah observed Tisha B’Av. We started with a low key havdalah, just saying “Borei M’oreh H’esh.” Then, we all slept in a bit and had a meaningful t’filot. We all sat on the ground in a circle for our t’filot instead of benches. During t’filot, we had a discussion about what Tisha B’Av was all about. We also learned that this is a good day to think about and feel thankful for objects and people that we love, as well as remember times other people have helped us when we are feeling sad. We also only said the prayers instead of singing. Our day ended with a Tekes K’tovet Eish, where the whole machane sat on the beach of the agam and sang acheinu while watching a menorah burn in the middle of the agam. All of the Kochavimers learned a lot about Tisha B’Av and had a meaningful day. file (2)

Categories: Kochavim