Machon & Nivonim: Limud (Education)

Our Machon and Nivonim chanichim (campers) had wide-ranging Limud options, including Israeli dance, Talmud, Adi Altschuler & Krembo Wings, and a book discussion of  “Letters to My Palestinian Neighbor” by Yossi Klein Halevi. 

Limud Tzevet (staff) Gila Ben David Stone (top and below):

Limud staff members Vered Finklestein (left) and Batia Green presented a Ted Talk and activities about the organization Krembo Wings, see here:

Limed Tzevet Rabbi Andrew Pepperstone:

Limud Tzevet Akiva Harris:

Limud Tzevet Dan Savitt:

Limud Tzevet Dr. Josh Kulp:


Categories: Limud, Machon, Nivonim