Talented Staff Present New Chugim!

This kayitz, we are thrilled to be offering two new chugim (electives): Biking and Graffiti Art. As we assemble our staff each year, we have the opportunity to tap into their talents and create new experiences for our chanichim (campers). This year, two of our Israeli Mishlachat members brought their talents to camp and created new chugim.
Opal is leading our biking chug. In the first day, chanichim learned about gears, practiced their balance, and started exploring camp. Since then, they have practicing different skills throughout naturally existing through obstacle courses in our roads and trees. In just a few days, we can already see such an improvement in our chanichim‘s abilities to traverse the terrain of camp. After the summer she’ll return to her job working at a bike shop in Israel, so we’re so lucky to have her here in Palmer!
Our other new chug is graffiti art, lead by Shelly. Chanichim are working with spray paint and canvas learning the technique of grafitti art — how to make bold clear lines, how to fade 2 colors together, and how to make sure the paint doesn’t drip, since they’re working with a vertical surface. While the group is painting and being creative, they are also learning about the rich history of street art in Tel Aviv.
We are looking forward to continuing to develop these new experiences so that more and more campers can partake in them!