Omanut (Art): Kochavim, Ilanot, Magshimim and Bogrim

The Omanut chugim (art electives) were busy, creative & happy places today! There were many chanichim (campers) from all the Edot, and as a special treat — the madrichim (counselors) from each tzrif (bunk) participated as well.  This was “Take your Camper to Camp Day”, which helped forge strong connections between chanichim and their madrichim, chug leaders, and fellow chanichim.  Some of the many Omanut chugim are pictured here; for many chanichim, Omanut is their Happy Place!

Lily Rabinoff-Goldman leads the chug for print-making, and pictured above are Kochavim and Ilanot chanichim at the very beginning stages of their projects.  Below, Magshimim and Bogrim chanichot are seen making beautiful jewelry under the leadership of Leora Kimmel Greene.

Debra Beland Ackerman, Rosh Omanut, leads these Magshimim and Bogrim chanichot in the Collage Art chug.  They are each developing their own creative, individual color story.


Last but not least, Devorah Bromberg Seltzer leads the silk art chug, and these Magshimim and Bogrim chanichot are beginning to design their individual projects, below.   Happy place indeed!