Second Session Opening Day Instructions (Tues July 26)

Shalom Chaverim,
We are making our final preparations for our Opening Day on Tuesday, July 26, and look forward to welcoming all of our campers! An email with counselor introduction videos will be sent out on Sunday, July 24. For those dropping their campers off at camp, we hope the process will be as efficient as possible. Remember, you will say goodbye to your campers in the parking area and will not be going to the bunks. Please continue reading for instructions for the opening of second session. COVID TESTING AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS FOR SECOND AND MINI SESSION CAMPERS: If your camper has tested positive for COVID:- If you tested positive for COVID, we define Day 0 (as does CDC) as the first day of symptoms or first positive test, whichever came first. Please use this definition as you apply the principles below.
- If you’ve never had COVID, or Day 0 was before June 27, you will need to test negative on July 25 and July 26.
- If your Day 0 was June 27 through July 17, you need to test and submit COVID tests on July 25 and July 26 and you will be allowed to come to camp regardless of the results.
- If your Day 0 July 18 through July 21 you may come to camp with negative COVID tests on both July 25 and July 26.
- If your Day 0 is on July 22 or later you cannot come to camp on July 26. Begin testing for COVID on Day 4 and come to camp late with two negative tests. After Day 9, you may come to camp regardless of test results or symptoms.
Testing on July 25 and July 26:
- We are requiring everyone to take at home rapid antigen tests on Monday and Tuesday, July 25 and July 26 (the day before arrival AND on arrival day). – see instructions for submitting test results below:
- You must submit both positive and negative test results.
- If your child’s test results are positive, please upload them to your account (see instructions below) and also email Marci Galinkin immediately.
- If your camper tests negative but there is someone COVID positive in your house, email Marci Galinkin immediately. Your camper will be able to come to camp but we will take precautions so that they won’t spread to others if they turn positive in the ensuing days.
- If your camper has symptoms but is not testing positive, you must let us know. We have found that these cases often develop into positive tests a few days later. Email Marci Galinkin immediately. Your camper will be able to come to camp but we will take precautions so that they won’t spread to others.
Please email Marci Galinkin with any questions. Day Before Arrival (July 25) Instructions to Submit Results:
- Put the rapid antigen test on a piece of paper with your camper’s name and date of birth clearly written on it.
- Take a picture of this piece of paper.
- Save the photo on your computer as “name, date, COVID antigen test.”
- Convert the photo to a pdf (Use if needed).
- Upload to the portal in your account for the “Day Before Arrival” that will be activated on Sunday, July 24.
email Josh Czik if you have questions about how to upload the results. Arrival Day (July 26) Instructions to Submit Results:
Please upload the Day Before Arrival test results by 5pm on Monday, July 25. Please- If your camper is being driven to camp or is flying on the DC group flight, use a sharpie to write your camper’s name, birth date, and the date directly on the test card, put it in a ziploc bag, and turn it in to staff at camp or to the flight chaperone at BWI.
- If your camper has a different flight, follow the instructions above and upload to the “Arrival Day” test result portal in your account.
PackMyRx Instructions. MEDICATIONS/MEDICAL CONSULTS: Our medical staff will not be able to consult on Opening Day. If you need a consult on your camper’s medical needs or medications, please email Marci Galinkin. Except for a few pre-arranged exceptions, all medications should have been processed through Pack My Rx. If you have an approved exception and are delivering meds on Opening Day, please bring them in a ziploc bag with your child’s name and DOB on it and deliver them to a staff member at a table near the parking area or give them to the DC flight chaperone at BWI. COMMUNICATING LAST-MINUTE TRAVEL CHANGES: In the event of an emergency or another event that forces a last-minute change to your travel plans on Tuesday, please call the main office in Palmer at 413-283-9771 immediately to let us know. If we learn of any last-minute changes to our chaperoned flight, we will email all parents/guardians as soon as possible. CAMPERS ARRIVING BY CAR: Because we are collecting test results for campers and want to limit exposure, families will need to sign up for their drop-off time slot using an online portal that will open on Tuesday, July 19, at 7:00 p.m. Here is the link to the portal. We will be limiting the number of cars per time slot so that we can safely and efficiently process each car. Time slots will be available on a “first come first served” basis. Please select a slot by Thursday, July 21, 5pm. Here is an outline of the process:
PACK MY RX: If your child takes prescription medications or vitamins at camp, you must use PackMyRx – this is a critical health and safety concern. Sign up today – see- Drop-off time slots will be 10:00, 10:30, 11:00, and 11:30.
- You may not arrive at the camp gate for drop-off more than five minutes prior to your time slot. We realize that people driving to camp may not be able to precisely schedule their arrival to Palmer. If you arrive in Palmer early, please park and wait at the Big Y parking lot. You will be sent away if you arrive at camp early because we cannot block the road entering camp.
- We will process fifty cars during each 30-minute time slot.
- Upon entering camp, you will be directed to park alongside the road on A-side. Please stay in your cars.
- After all cars have entered, our team will come to each car to check your test results. Parents must remain in their cars during this time period unless they are using the port-a-potties by the guard house.
- After we have processed each car, campers will say goodbye to their parents and their counselors will lead them to the bunk area. Activities will begin and campers will settle into camp.
- After your car has been processed, we will facilitate you leaving the parking area in a safe manner.
Please email Rhonda Parker with any questions about your drop-off slot. CAMPERS ARRIVING BY PLANE: If your child is traveling on our DC Group Flight, Marggi will send complete instructions early next week. If your child has an individual flight, bus, or train to camp, she will email you pickup details in the 2 days before arrival. NO PACKAGES: As we explained previously, we cannot accept camper packages this summer; anything other than a letter will be considered a package. We will not deliver packages if you send them. Please let your family and friends know. If your camper needs emergency supplies, you must contact your yoetzet and they can work out a plan with you. EMAILING YOUR CAMPERS: Please click here for instructions. SENDING MAIL TO YOUR CAMPERS: Please address all letters to your child’s name and bunk number at Camp Ramah, 39 Bennett Street, Palmer, MA 01069. KEEPING CURRENT WITH CAMP ACTIVITIES: We will post at least one photo gallery of each division every Friday; these will be posted here: The password is Summer2022; it is case sensitive. You can follow our blog and our Facebook page. As we mentioned, our staffing pattern this summer will limit the number of posts we will be able to produce. We will do the best we can. We appreciate your partnership as we work together to make the best possible summer experience – we look forward to welcoming our campers to Palmer and embarking on a fantastical and magical summer. Kol tuv, Rabbi Ed Gelb (He/Him/His) CEO, Ramah New England