Second Session Update

Shalom Second and Mini Session Families,
I wanted to share a quick update and remind you of a few key COVID precautions we are taking in the hopes of limiting COVID in camp and its impact on the camper experience.
The good news is that we are seeing a gradual slowing down of new cases. Additionally, our twice a week sewage PCR testing is showing a steep drop in COVID in our wastewater. Our hope is that there will be very little COVID present in our full session campers and staff when second session begins. We have converted our in-person visiting day to virtual visits for our full session campers to safeguard families from inadvertently infecting their campers. Please honor their commitment to limiting COVID by following all of our regulations.
In the days leading up to opening day, please take as many precautions as possible to limit your camper’s potential exposure to COVID.
Please review the opening day instructions I sent last week.
Here are a few critical things that you can help us with so that we limit COVID’s entry into second session.
- Please report definite COVID exposures (including any household members who test positive) to Marci Galinkin.
- Report any known camper exposures July 19-26
- Report any household members who were positive at any time during July 19-26
- Report any household members who turn positive after dropoff July 26-30
- All campers in the above categories may come to camp with negative antigen tests AND we will ask them to mask until after our antigen surveillance testing on Friday, July 29.
- We will ask campers with COVID symptoms who test negative and come to camp to mask through Sunday, July 31 (day 6).
- All campers need two antigen tests prior to arrival: one on Monday, one on Tuesday (arrival day)
- Monday test results should be uploaded (see opening day instructions letter).
- Tuesday (arrival day) antigen tests must be physically shown to our staff – put the actual test in a plastic bag, not a picture of the result. If it isn’t available, we will retest the camper.
In addition to the measures noted above, after arrival, we will start the second session with extra precautions in place, including:
- All of camp will start the session eating outside.
- Campers with COVID symptoms who test negative will mask during the day and test twice daily until symptoms improve.
- Campers will mask during our few indoor activities which include campers from multiple edot.
- The entire camp (other than those who have had COVID during camp) will antigen test on Friday, before the first shabbat.
We really appreciate your help and are looking forward to welcoming your campers to a fantastical and magical experience!
Todah Rabbah,
Rabbi Ed Gelb (He/Him/His)
CEO, Ramah New England