Third Year Counselors Sophie Scheer & Aaron Bruce on Ten for ROO!

On this episode of Ten for ROO, we’re thrilled to welcome another two amazing third-year counselors: Sophie Scheer and Aaron Bruce!
Sophie and Aaron were part of our contingent at Weinstein, the National Ramah leadership training program; they talk about their experiences, what they learned, and what they’re excited to bring to Palmer this kayitz (summer). Sophie and Aaron also share their Ramah origin stories, and we talk about when they first thought about being a counselor at camp and what they’ve learned from the past two summers on tzevet (staff). We also tally up how many Shabbatot we’ve all spent at camp and debate what counts.
Additionally, Rabbi Gelb, Josh and Michelle debate whether you have to grow up at Palmer to be a great madrich/a, and we compare horizontal vs vertical experiences at camp.
We also dig deep into the songs on Rabbi Gelb’s famous last-morning-of-camp play-list!
This will be our last podcast before the start of kayitz 2023. Thank you all for listening this year!! This has been a fun adventure, and we’re excited for what’s next. We’ll have a lot of Ten for ROO content over the summer, though it might not be in audio podcast form, so please check our website and social media channels to follow what’s happening at camp this summer. L’hitraot b’Palmer!
Ten for ROO is available wherever you listen to your podcasts, or click below to listen to this latest episode: