Time Capsules with Shoafim & Nivonim!

This afternoon I had a chance to continue one of my favorite Ramah traditions!  After aruchat tzohorayim (lunch), I created a time capsule with the Shoafimers in the “It’s a Good Life” Chug, to be opened on the last Shabbat of their Nivonim summer.  Here are the Good Lifers raising a final blue drink l’chaim of the kayitz (summer)… Scroll down to see what happened next…

And then, just a few minutes later, I visited NIVONIM to open THEIR Shoafim “It’s a Good Life Chug” time capsule!  (Yes, we did the Good Life chug and made a time capsule, even during that summer when camp was cancelled because of Covid!)  We also opened a second time capsule they made last summer on the last Shabbat of their Machon summer.

It was a fun trip down memory lane as Niv ’24 prepared to enter their final Shabbat as chanichim (campers)…

Categories: Director, Nivonim, Shoafim