Ten for ROO Second Session Week Four!
It’s our final Ten for ROO video update from kayitz 2023!! What an incredible kayitz it’s been! It’s hard to believe we’re at the end.
This week’s video kicks off with an incredible drone shot masterminded by Ramah alum Eli Katzoff, involving campers from Ilanot and Solelim. We’ll use some of this footage (and lots more cool stuff Eli shot) in a revamped promo video that we’ll be unveiling in the fall.
Then Rabbi Gelb, Michelle and I went around and talked to kids on the final Yom Tzrif (Bunk Day) of the summer. Kids were doing all sorts of great peulot (activities) across camp, from omanut (arts) to sports and more. We got a peek at many tzrifim (bunks) working on their tzrif plaques, which we create and hang at the end of each machzor (session) at camp, as a way for kids to leave a permanent mark on the tzrif where they lived for the month. And we wound up at the Shapell Classic softball game, played annually in memory of Tikvah camper Jake Shapell z”l.
We’re excited and a little sad to be heading into the final Shabbat of the kayitz: Shabbat Nivonim!
Shabbat Shalom.