The Palmer ParaBOX

All of our tzevet (staff) come to camp for a full week of training and preparation before any campers arrive.  This is our Shavuah Hachanah (Staff Week).

During Shavuah Hachanah, we work very hard, but we also play hard!

In honor of kayitz (summer) 2015 being our 50th summer here in Palmer, MA, our peulat erev (night activity) on the opening night of Shavuah Hachanah was called The Palmer ParaBOX.  We kicked off the peulah with this video.

What followed was an hour of craziness, as the edot (divisions) staff-members competed in all manner of fun and silly events.






We’re excited for our 2015 hanichim (campers) to arrive and meet our amazing tzevet (staff-members)!!