Tzad Aleph Ruach!
This summer, a key aspect of our staff training was about finding ways to start each day off on the right, positive, happy tone.
It’s a camp tradition that, after aruchat boker (breakfast) and tefillot, the kids return to their tzrifim (bunk) for a short nikayon, a time to make their beds and clean their tzrif. Nikayon is an important part of the day, as kids learn responsibility for taking care of themselves and the space where they live together. But how to make that fun?
During Shavua Hachana (Staff Week), we encouraged our madrichim/ot (counselors) to find a fun way to set the tone with their chanichim/ot (campers) at the start of nikayon, before even entering into the tzrif.
As always, our counselors bowled us over with their creativity! Here’s a look at some great tzrif pre-Nikayon shtick that our Tzad Aleph (A-Side) counselors have made into traditions for their tzrif!
At the top of this blog is a clip of Shoafim tzrif 7’s daily affirmations.
Here’s Shoafim tzrif 13’s huddle:
Here’s Solelim tzrif 33’s huddle/cheer:
And here’s Kochavim tzrif 9’s pre-Nikayon Olympics-themed pump-up assembly:
How great is that? We love the ruach (spirit/energy) on Tzad Aleph at camp!!