Yom Tzrif (Bunk Day): Part Two

Today is Yom Tzrif! It is a special day where the tzrifim (bunks) go around and do special activities with their counselors. It is loads of fun.  The entire machane (camp) is engaged with traveling around to different peulot (activities) with their entire tzrif.  This is different from a yom ragil (regular day), when the chanichim (campers) move from chug to chug (elective) with a variety of chanichim from one’s edah — but not necessarily one’s own bunk.  Yom Tzrif is especially great at making even stronger connections between bunkmates, as well as between bunkmates and their madrichim (counselors), as they have tons of fun at some unusual and out of the ordinary peulot together.  In the photos below, chanichim from adat ha-Magshimim are participating in “Don’t Bug Me”.  Led by Tzevet Limmud (Education staff) member Dan Savitt, this peula involves hydration with Bug Juice (obviously) and then a “Find the Correct Bug around our Machaneh (Camp) and Learn its Hebrew Name” Bingo Game.

The chanichim from adat ha-Solelim (photos top and below) are at the Lawn Games peula with Josh Kulp.  This complex game of horseshoe toss incorporates sophisticated questions about Hebrew and Rabbinics.