Zoom Simchateinu: A Sukkot Learning Festival

Calling all almost-college students, college students and young adults!
Sukkot, known as “Zman Simchateinu” or a time for rejoicing, is typically celebrated in outdoor huts where joy is created through gathering with family and friends. This year, when physically gathering in Sukkot is not possible, we invite you to join our e-Sukkah for Zoom Simchateinu: a week of online Jewish learning, cooking, meditative practice and more!
Zoom Simchateinu will feature daily learning sessions from October 5-9 taught by over 25 different JTS rabbinical and cantorial students. Sessions will take place between the hours of noon and 9:30PM, with different schedules and teachers being featured daily. We have attached a full schedule, complete with zoom links to participate. All we ask of you is to fill out this form, in case we need to contact you before the session. There are no fees, no strings attached, we hope you will come just to learn!
Our very own Andy Weissfeld will be teaching on Thursday, October 8 from 6:30-7:30pm EST
Intent or Impact? What Bloodletters and Birds Can Teach Us About Taking Responsibility For Our Actions: Many of our actions and behaviors come with unintended consequences, but are we responsible for the damage that results even if we did not intend harm? We will study a short story from the Talmud about some birds, whose interference in a bloodletting practice caused unintended damage to another’s property. Guided by additional contemporary and traditional sources, we will discuss the implications of this Talmudic tale and how we can best hold each other accountable for the unintended consequences of our actions.
This is a project of the Slifka-Nadich millennial engagement fellowship at JTS.