Campers with Upcoming B’nai/B’not/Brit Mitzvah
Camp is a wonderful place for campers who are in the process of preparing for their Bar/Bat/Brit Mitzvah. The best thing that campers can do is to engage in our immersive tefila (prayer) experiences, during both weekday and Shabbat services. At camp, campers learn about the t’fillot (prayers) – they learn the tunes, how to say the words, and what the words mean. Campers have opportunities to lead services (Pseukei D’Zimra, Shacharit, Torah service and Musaf) and to chant Torah and Haftarah.
Our staff encourage kids to lean into these opportunities while at camp. Our madrichim/ot (counselors) are wonderful role-models who can inspire campers to take a step and try something new. If your child wants to learn any of these t’fillah/Torah/Haftarah skills, please contact your yoetzet (advisor attached to each age group) and/or have your camper speak directly to their counselors.
Additionally, in Shoafim and Magshimim (our edot for kids who have completed sixth and seventh grades), we will schedule one block of time each week (most likely during menuchah, our after-lunch rest-time) as an opportunity for campers to review their davenning/Torah/Haftarah with their counselors or members of our tzevet limud (educational staff). Our staff will not be teaching any new material, but they can listen to the kids practice. This will be an optional experience for campers; if it is important to you that your child participate in this, please talk about this with your camper and encourage them to participate.