Inspirational Learning: Shavua Hachana

     During our Staff Week (Shavua Hachana), Visiting Educator Rabbi Gordon Tucker has been imparting his wisdom on topics such as: “Gentiles and the Jewish Community”, “LGBT Jews: The Responsum (Teshuvah) That Didn’t Pass”, “Rosh Hodesh: Embracing the Uncertainty”, Pirkei Avot: Chapter 4, and “Oral and Written Torah”.   We have been privileged to study texts and commentary on these topics, and most notably to have a sneak preview of Rabbi Tucker’s forthcoming book, Pirkei Avot Lev Shalem.  The vibrancy and relevance of his teaching have inspired the Tzevet personally and professionally.
     Rabbi Tucker spoke passionately about returning to Camp Ramah New England after a brief hiatus: “CRNE is the ultimate antidote in any moments of pessimism about our general — and Jewish — future”.  Yasher Koach and Todah Rabba to Rabbi Tucker, as we together prepare to meet our campers (chanichim) this Tuesday!
    Rabbi Gordon Tucker is the senior rabbi at Temple Israel Center in White Plains, NY, and was Dean of the Rabbinical School at JTSA from 1984-1992.  He is Honorary Chairman (and former Chairman) of the Board of the Masorti Foundation for Conservative Judaism in Israel, and he served on the Committee on Jewish Law and Standards of the Rabbinical Assembly from 1982 to 2007.