Opening Day: Great Peulot (Activities) and Lots of Fun!
Opening day is always one of the most exciting days of the summer. This week, we welcomed about 275 campers to our community. The morning started out with a bang as our madrichim (counselors) and full summer chanichim (campers) greeted old friends and welcomed new faces. On A-side, chanichim were able to launch straight into playing Gaga, tetherball, and other field games, as our wonderful tzevet (staff) had unpacked their things before their arrival. B-side chanichim enjoyed playing frisbee and spikeball and doing crafts on the migrash (field).
This year, opening day brought an unexpected surprise in the form of rain showers, but that didn’t dampen anyone’s spirits. Instead, it turned into an opportunity for creative fun! As the afternoon went on, our group of chanichim from the DC area arrived by bus and were welcomed with great enthusiasm.
Chanichim took tzrif (bunk) photos as they settled in, and then they participated in a variety of fun peulot (activities)! The chanichim got to know people in their tzrifim and edot (age groups) better as they enjoyed peulot such as bishul (cooking), omanut (art), limud (Jewish learning), and games planned by our amazing tzevet, such as Ilanot’s “Heads Up!” charade game. Each camper interacted with a specialist and sampled some of our top-notch activities while settling in.
The day ended with a delicious dinner followed by peulat erev (evening activity) by edah. This special first day of camp set the tone for a summer full of adventure, Jewish learning, and cherished memories.