Opening Day! Shoafim: Outdoor Cooking

Despite the gray skies and steady rain, opening day proceeded not only without a hitch, but with smiles and good cheer!  What’s more, all our chanichim (campers) dove directly into various chugim (electives) with their tzrifim (bunks).  They did some icebreakers as part of the electives, and got to know each other through the fun activities.  Pictured here are chanichim from adat-HaSolelim at the Outdoor Cooking chug.  They enthusiastically assisted with setting up the perimeter (above), and gathering sticks.

Chug leader David Green gave clear safety rules and specific instructions for building the fire.  During the school year, David teaches English and History at the Yeshiva of Greater Washington.  He loves outdoor activities, including boating and outdoor cooking.  David has brought these talents to the fore here on Tzevet (staff) for many years.
