Camp Ramah Blog

“I had never thought that friends could become family and I had never had a second home.”

Ramah camper Miriam B.

“Camp Ramah is definitely the sweetest place on earth.”

Ramah parent Hannah J.

“On Visiting Day, I was walking down the road from the marp and an A-side girl was walking with her parents and said the following: “You know how I told you that there was no way I would read Torah at my bat-mitzvah, well I might have changed my mind. My counselor is so cool, is really great at sports and she reads Torah for us all the time”. I thought this was so great and wanted to share. The power of Ramah in action.”

Ramah parent and staff-member Abbey F.

“I have been able to spend my summers at Camp Ramah New England for the past five years and every day I feel blessed that I was able to live this experience. Camp Ramah New England has not only given me even more pride in my religion, but also friends and memories that I will cherish for the rest of my life.”

Ramah camper Maya C.

“Thank you, once again, for giving our [daughter] a wonderful summer. She literally walked off the plane saying, “This was my best summer ever!” Special thanks to [all the] counselors… they really seem to have connected with the kids. There is nothing about your organization that is not professional, reliable, and well-run. Thank you very much for taking care of our kid!”

Ramah parents Jessica and David N.

“To see your child grow and mature and be so engaged and happy — it was magical.”

Ramah parent Aileen S.

“I wanted to take the opportunity to thank you both (and the entire staff) for a wonderful camp experience. [My son] LOVED everything about camp, and is angry at us for not sending him for a full month long session. As parents, we were very impressed with the quality programming and high level of care Yotam received there.”

Ramah parent and alum Daniel Z.

“My son had an amazing summer and was completely transformed into a Palmer lifer, in my opinion.”

Ramah parent Saul M.

“My daughter has been a shy, quiet child, but [at her Bat Mitzvah] she did all of Shacharit, leyned the entire Torah reading, chanted the Haftorah and gave a beautiful d’var Torah to the entire congregation at the end of the main service. She read and spoke with incredible confidence and poise. I give a lot of credit to her experiences at Camp Ramah over the past several summers for helping her gain confidence.”

Ramah Parent Stephanie S.

“Amazing thanks to [everyone] at Ramah who contributed to [my daughter’s] having an incredible time at camp. We’re a bit stunned, in all honesty, to see the transformation in her over four short weeks. Though I am under no delusions for how long it will last, she came home today with no desire to watch TV, we went to the supermarket and she grabbed bags of vegetables off the shelves, and was upset when she realized that she hadn’t said birkat hamazon after dinner… it’s clear that she was so well cared for and just had a blast at Camp Ramah.”

Ramah Parent Carrie B.